I put chord boxes above the chords, stacking alternates at times. The hollow circles are the second or third note to play holding the position (or en route to the next chord). If you know the melody, you should be able to figure it out -- some go to a hollow dot and back to a solid dot.
The premise of constructing the chord melody is relatively simple -- the melody should run on the top two or three strings so you can stack the rest of the chord on the bottom strings. The melody note should always have the highest pitch of all the notes in a chord. It is not necessary to have a chord for every single note. I always tried to aim to have at least the essential tones (3rd and 7th of the chord) and, if possible, the root note. Often this required some inversions.
Please let me know if I have an error or typo.
someday_my_prince_chord_melody.pdf |